Who is subject to the APM 025 policy?
Starting in 2021-22, all faculty in the following titles appointed at 50% or more will report in OATS:
- Professor, including Acting titles
- Professor in Residence
- Adjunct Professor
- Teaching Professor (LSOE/LPSOE)
- Professor of Clinical Optometry*
- Health Sciences Clinical Professor*
*Faculty holding titles in these series are subject to APM 025 if they are not participating in the HSCP.
Prior Approval
Those subject to APM 025 are required to obtain prior approval from the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost before engaging in an APM 025 Category I activity. Those subject to APM 025 are required to obtain prior approval from their Dean before involving a student in any outside professional activity. This requirement applies to students that the faculty member has, or expects to have, academic responsibility (instructional, evaluative, or supervisory).
The prior approval requirements apply to activities during summer months and leaves, including leaves without pay.
Time Limits
Faculty may engage in APM 025 Category I and II outside professional activities for up to 312 hours/39 days per year for academic-year faculty and 384 hours/48 days per year for fiscal-year faculty and faculty administrators. It is expected that the use of days will be allocated evenly across service periods.
In OATS, faculty will report time engaged in APM 025 Category I and II activities in hours. The annual hourly maximum for academic-year faculty is 312 hours (39 days) and the annual maximum for fiscal-year faculty and faculty administrators is 384 hours (48 days). OATS does not impact the annual time maximums; faculty should report up to a maximum of 8 hours for any given day engaged in a Category I or II activity.
For faculty with part-time appointments at 50 percent time or more, maximum hours will be prorated based on the percentage and duration of appointment.
Types of Outside Professional Activity
Category I activities are outside professional activities that are most likely to create a conflict of commitment because: 1) they are activities related to the training and expertise which is the individual’s qualification for University appointment, but performed for a third party, and/or 2) they require significant professional commitment. Some examples of Category I activities include: teaching, research, or administration of a grant outside the University; employment outside the University; and assuming a founding or co-founding role of a company.
Category II activities are typically shorter-term outside professional activities that are outside the course and scope of University employment. Category II activities have a lesser potential for a conflict of commitment than do Category I activities. Category II activities require disclosure in annual reporting under this policy, but do not require prior approval. Category II activities count toward the faculty member’s maximum 39/48 days of outside professional activities. Some examples of Category II activities include: additional University-compensated teaching, including teaching for UNEX courses and programs or other continuing education programs run by the University; testifying as an expert or professional witness; providing outside consulting services; and providing or presenting a workshop for industry.
Category III activities are within the course and scope of University employment. As such, they are unlikely to raise conflict of commitment issues. Category III activities do not require disclosure in annual reporting or prior approval under this policy and do not count toward the faculty member’s maximum of 39/48 days of outside professional activities. Nevertheless, these activities must not interfere with a faculty member’s obligations to the University. Some examples of Category III activities include: serving on government or professional panels or committees or as an officer or board member of a professional or scholarly society; reviewing manuscripts; acting in an editorial capacity; attending and presenting talks at university/academic colloquia and conferences; and developing scholarly or creative works.
Deans and Faculty Administrators (100% time)
Deans and Faculty Administrators may engage in outside activities as defined by and in accordance with APM - 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members. In accordance with APM 240 and 246, Deans and Faculty Administrators are also subject to the following additional provisions:
(1) Deans and Faculty Administrators may serve on no more than three for-profit external boards (not entities of the University of California) for which they receive compensation and for which they have governance responsibilities.
(2) All compensated outside professional activities, including compensated consulting activity, shall be reported annually to the Academic Personnel Office, who, in turn, reports these activities to the Regents.
(3) In accordance with APM - 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members, Deans and Faculty Administrators may in each fiscal year engage in a maximum of forty-eight calendar days of compensated outside professional activity, which includes the twelve days cited in (4) below.
(4) Deans and Faculty Administrators may engage in compensated outside professional activity up to twelve University workdays per fiscal year without deducting from vacation leave balances. In excess of twelve days, they shall use accrued vacation leave for performing compensated outside professional activities.
Review the University of California (APM) policies
Conflict of Interest and Intellectual Property Policies
- Compendium Of Conflict Of Interest And Integrity Policies – Guidance
- APM 028 Disclosure of Financial Interest in Private Sponsors of Research
- Summary Statement of Principles and Policies on Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research
- University of California Patent Policy
- UC Patent Acknowledgment
- UC Berkeley Conflict of Interest
- UC Berkeley Intellectual Property & Industry Research Alliances