Childbearing and Parental/Family Bonding Leave for Senate Faculty

Childbearing leave

Per APM 760-25, birth mothers are entitled to eight weeks of paid childbearing leave.* While on childbearing leave, the birth mother is not responsible for completing any responsibilities as a faculty member.

Childbearing leave is concurrent with Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD) if taken during the academic year. If the childbearing leave occurs during the summer, ASMD will normally commence in the fall semester.

After the childbearing leave, the faculty member is expected to carry out the modified duties agreed to by the faculty member and chair/dean during the balance of the approved ASMD period (if during the academic year), with the important proviso that in the semester of a childbearing leave, there must be full relief from teaching duties.

Required documentation for Childbearing Leave:

Approval process

Deans may approve up to eight weeks of paid leave for a childbearing parent. Copies of all approvals must to submitted to the Academic Personnel Office.

*Should there be a need for a longer disability leave as certified by a medical professional, the birth mother may take medical leave or caregiving leave.

Parental/family bonding leave

Per APM 760-27, a faculty member may request up to a year of parental leave. In the past this was unpaid leave. As of July 1, 2021, a new Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) provision provides for up to eight weeks of that leave to be taken, in minimum one-week increments, with pay (at 100% of salary) for eligible faculty members.

Required documentation for Parental Leave:

Approval process

Up to a year (two consecutive semesters) of unpaid parental leave may be approved at the decanal level. Deans may also approve the use of up to eight weeks of Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) during a parental leave. Copies of all approvals must be submitted to the Academic Personnel Office.