Active Service Modified Duties
Per APM-760-28, faculty with a newborn or newly placed child for foster care or adoption are entitled to Active Service Modified Duties (ASMD). To be eligible for active service-modified duties, an academic appointee must be responsible for 50% or more of the care of a child.
Birth parents with full-time appointments are entitled to two semesters of ASMD. Non-birth parents are entitled to one semester.
ASMD can be exercised as soon as three months prior to the expected birth or placement date; the latest end date of ASMD is twelve months following the birth or placement. ASMD must coincide with the academic calendar and may not be taken for a partial semester.
For ladder faculty, the modification of duties under ASMD normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching, without the assignment of additional teaching duties before or after to offset the teaching relief. (Faculty who take ASMD often elect to stop their tenure clock.)
For Teaching Professors, the modification of duties normally will be partial teaching relief or the assignment of additional resources such as teaching assistants or readers, as appropriate.
Required documentation for Active Service Modified Duties
- Childbearing/Childrearing-Reporting/Certification
- A workload plan describing the reduced teaching and service expectations while the faculty member is on ASMD.
Approval process
Deans have delegated approval authority for ASMD and any associated time off the clock. Exceptional ASMD and time off the clock requests should be submitted to the Academic Personnel Office (APO).