Librarians - Merits and Special Reviews


November 14

  • Review Initiators confer with Librarians. Any Librarian who is not automatically scheduled for a Merit Increase Review during this review period but who wishes to be reviewed should inform the Review Initiator by November 14.
  • Candidates and Review Initiators may begin to assemble documentation at any time.
December 4
  • For reviews seeking a greater than standard merit increase, Librarians are expected to prepare more complete documentation of significant achievement. This may include names from which letters of evaluation may be solicited. Those names must be provided to the Review Initiator by December 4.
December 4 - February 29

Review Initiators and Librarians assemble the formal documentation which will be used in the review, including:

  • Review Initiator's and Unit Head's recommendations.
  • Librarian's signed self-evaluation.
  • copies of reports, articles, and books which the candidate has authored or edited and other documentation which the candidate believes may be of assistance in the evaluation.
  • New or updated Biography Form 1501.
January 13
  • Requests for deferral of a scheduled Merit Increase Review must be made to the University Librarian (Library) or to the Vice Provost for the Faculty (Affiliated) by January 12th.
  • Requests made after this date for a maximum 30-day extension of the dossier submission deadline risk not securing authorization by February 10 (see below).
February 10
  • Final day to secure authorization for a maximum 30-day extension of the dossier submission deadline.
February 13
  • Review Initiators provide copies of redacted letters (if any) to Librarian for review. Librarian has 7 calendar days (Feb. 13 - 21) to provide the optional written response to Review Initiator. The response is due to Review Initiator Feb. 21st.
March 3
  • Review Initiators should prepare and submit all Merit Increase review documentation to APO by March 3.
March 3
  • APO forwards documentation for all Merit Increases in the Librarian Series (including accelerated and decelerated merits) to the Library Human Resources Department.
March 3 - May 31
  • CAPA reviews dossiers and makes recommendations to the deciding officer.
May 31
  • Last date for CAPA to forward documentation and recommendations to the University Librarian.
  • The University Librarian makes advancement recommendations and consults with CAPA as required.
  • The Vice Provost makes final decisions.