Active Service-Modified Duties
a. Description and Eligibility
Active service-modified duties is a period during which normal duties are reduced so that an academic appointee may prepare for and/or care for a newborn child or a child under age five newly placed for adoption or foster care. To be eligible for active service-modified duties, an academic appointee must be responsible for 50 percent or more of the care of a child. The child may be the appointee’s child or that of a spouse or domestic partner. An appointee is eligible for a period of active service-modified duties for each event of birth or placement. The birth or placement of one or more children at the same time constitutes a single event of birth or placement. Eligibility for a period of active service-modified duties shall normally extend from 3 months prior to 12 months following the birth or placement.
An academic appointee who is a birth mother and who has a full-time appointment for at least one full academic year (three quarters or two semesters) is eligible for a total period of childbearing leave plus active service-modified duties of two quarters (or two semesters) to enable her to recover fully from the effects of pregnancy and childbirth and to prepare for and/or care for the newborn child. If she gives birth during the summer or an off-duty term, she is eligible for a total period of active service-modified duties of two quarters (or two semesters). (This paragraph does not apply to Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty members; see APM 760-28-c for relevant provisions).
All other academic appointees are eligible for a total period of childbearing leave plus active service-modified duties of one quarter (or one semester). (This paragraph does not apply to Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty members; see APM 760-28-c for relevant provisions).
An academic appointee shall provide notice to the department chair or unit head of the need for a period of active service-modified duties. The notice must include a written statement by the appointee certifying that he or she is responsible for 50 percent or more of the care of a newborn child or a child under age five newly placed for adoption or foster care. The proposed modifications should then be discussed with the appointee and are subject to approval by the Dean and/or Chancellor. During a period of active service-modified duties, the appointee is on active service and is expected to perform some portion of his or her normal duties. A period of active service-modified duties is not a leave of absence.
For ladder-rank faculty, the modification of duties normally will be either partial or full relief from teaching without the assignment of additional teaching duties before or after to offset the teaching relief. In the quarter or semester of a childbearing leave, there must be full relief from teaching duties. For other eligible faculty who primarily have teaching duties, the modification of duties normally will be partial teaching relief or the assignment of additional resources such as teaching assistants or readers, as appropriate. For all other eligible academic appointees, the modification of duties normally will be a reduced workload (see APM - 760-28-b(2)). (This paragraph does not apply to Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty members; see APM 760-28-c for relevant provisions).
b. Pay Status
Pay status during a period of active service-modified duties shall be based on the following provisions:
(1) A faculty member will continue to receive his or her regular monthly salary. (This paragraph does not apply to Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty members; see APM 760-28-c for relevant provisions).
(2) An academic appointee who accrues sick leave shall use such accrued sick leave credit in proportion to the reduced workload. When sick leave credit has been exhausted or for those non-faculty academic appointees who do not accrue sick leave, pay will be reduced in proportion to the reduced workload. A reduction in appointment percentage may affect an appointee’s health and welfare and retirement benefits.
c. Provisions for Health Sciences Compensation Plan Faculty Members
During a period of active service-modified duties, faculty who are members of the Health Sciences Compensation Plan with clinical responsibilities may reduce clinical duties in lieu of teaching relief, as appropriate. At a minimum, Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty members are eligible for a total period of childbearing leave plus active service-modified duties of up to one quarter (or one semester) for each event of birth or placement for adoption or foster care. For a Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty member who is a birth mother, an additional quarter (or semester) of active service-modified duties to enable her to recover fully from the effects of pregnancy and childbirth and to prepare for and/or care for the newborn child may be approved in accordance with campus policies. During a period of active service-modified duties, a Health Sciences Compensation Plan faculty member will receive pay no less than his or her approved base monthly salary. Any additional compensation under the Health Sciences Compensation Plan shall be paid in accordance with campus policies.